Miyetti Allah spokesperson Alhassan: rejected the adoption of ranching method said he can’t work~details below


 The ranching method was introduced following the gruesome killings of farmers in the farm perpetrated by fulani herdsmen nation wide which has escalated to social unrest. 

The spokesperson of Miyetti Allah organization in an interview with News men have abhorred the cattle ranching  method 

After Benue state government accused  Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore, are responsible for the attack of governor Ortom of Benue state in a recent video that went viral 

where fulani herdsmen with sophisticated AK47 were shooting sporadically at governor Ortom convoy where he barely survived the attack. 

But Miyetti Allah organization denied the allegation saying that, the attack was orchestrated by the Tiv people of Benue and not Fulani herders. 

According to Alhassan, “It is a blatant lie, Security agents have been making arrests, including the Tiv people that are killing themselves”

” We are not responsible for any killing, we don’t kill. We are a peaceful organisation. Ask Governor Samuel Ortom about the number of his security aides that have been killed”

He further alleged that, “the people of Benue  are the ones killing themselves. The arrests made so far in Benue State show the culprits are all Tiv people; some are even undergoing trial while many are in jail”

According to the spokesperson “Even the recent attack, which the governor claimed was on his life, was it not Tiv people that were arrested?” 

Alhassan alleged that “Governor Ortom is a joker. We don’t take him seriously anymore, nobody takes him seriously because anytime federal allocation is approaching, he will start talking about herdsmen invasion” 

“I think he has been reduced to a pun in the political chess game. When the military killed Gana, was he not crying openly? Was Gana a herdsmen?, he said. 

Alhassan who further accused  Governor Ortom of Benue state That the  group is Ortom’s creation. 

He concluded by saying politicians are behind the gruesome killings and banditry happening in the country. 

He alleged that the crisis have external sponsors. 


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