Godwin Obaseki–no body should banter words with the Oba of Benin concerning the return of Artifacts~details below



Over 1,130 Artifacts to be returned back to the monarch of Benin kingdom from Europe, the Oba has vibrantly asked the federal government to take note of the repatriating Benin Artifacts 

In a statement by Osarodion Ogie, the Secretary to Edo State Government disclose this on Monday 

A “transformational” museum would be built in Benin Edo State to house the Artifacts aftermaths of their return. 

The rightful destination of the Artifacts should be the Benin Royal Museum.The Oba who said this on Monday in a statement issued by the Edo State Government. 

The Edo State government in the statement issued, further alleged that no internal conflicts between the state government and the Oba of Benin, in addition, that Governor Obaseki will maintain his immense respect to the Oba.

However, the “The attention of the Edo State Government (EDSG) was drawn to the widely publicised media statement issued by the Palace of His Royal Majesty, Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, Oba of Benin, Oba Ewuare II.

“The Governor of Edo State, His Excellency, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, has displayed and will continue to dispatch his indebted respect for our traditional institutions and therefore will continue to make effort to secure a private audience with His Royal Majesty to discuss his concerns.

“The Governor whom also urged that on no account should anyone, whether in government or acting independently engage in disrespectful exchanges or banter words with and/or altercation with our revered Royal Majesty and the Benin Royal Palace,” the statement read in part.

According to the Edo State government its earlier statement appears to have created the impression that there is a major conflict between its interests and His Royal Majesty with regards to the laudable national milestone of having our highly valued artefacts returned home to Nigeria.

“The actions of the government thus far on this issue have been driven by selfless, patriotic considerations and in the best interest of Edo State and Edo people,” the statement added.


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