Anambra election: 34,587 police special squad, 3 helicopters deployed~details below


Despite the security challenges Anambra state is currently facing elites not restraining from conducting the gubernatorial election that is to hold soon.

Ahead of the Anambra election, the Nigeria Police Inspector General Usman Alkali Baba who spoked at the Force Headquarters, Abuja, during the 2nd Strategic Police Managers Conference for Senior Police Officers.

According to the IGP Usman Alkali Baba has ordered the mobilization and deployment special police squad with the total of 34,587 including 3 Police Helicopters, technical team of the Police Airing the black Marine and the Force Animal Branch, and other operational assets for the Anambra State Gubernatorial Elections slated for 6th November, 2021.

The inspector general Alkali Baba who disclosed this on Thursday at the Force Headquarters, Abuja, during said that they have deployed 34,587 security personnel to Anambra state ahead of the election to neutralize every security threat.

IGP Alkali also disclosed that the Force has conducted an Election Security Threat Analysis as part of preparations for the Elections and also developed a Strategic ‘election security operational plan’ to stabilize the prevailing security situation in Anambra State. 

These actions, according to him, are aimed at creating a conducive and enabling environment that will guarantee the peaceful conduct of the election.

The IGP also explained that the 34,587 personnel, comprising conventional police officers, Police Mobile Force (PMF), Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU), Special Forces personnel, Explosives Ordinance Unit (EOD), Force Intelligence Bureau (FIB), INTERPOL, Special Protection Unit (SPU) as well as Police Medical Teams, will be on ground to guarantee a hitch-free election. 

He added that three Police helicopters will be deployed for aerial surveillance amongst other unique operational capabilities. 

The IGP further disclosed that Commissioners of Police in the thirty-six states of the federation and the FCT as well as their supervisory Assistant Inspectors General of Police have been directed to return to their Commands and strengthen the security architecture therein especially as the year gradually winds down and the Yuletide season draws closer. 

He also directed the Strategic Commanders to evolve proactive anti-crime approaches to enable the Force stay ahead against any anticipated security threats to the lives and property of the citizens.

However, the IGP called on citizens to continue to support the Police in their various localities, assuring that a robust police operational asset would be delivered soon which will no doubt re-energize policing operations toward improving public safety and security in the country.



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