PDP–Direct Primary is a plot for confusion and unacceptable~details below


 Following the newly implemented electoral bill The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has condemned the approval of direct primaries for political parties and described it as a “plot to introduce anarchy during internal party elections”. 

According to PDP “the decision by the APC-controlled Senate is a humongous blow to the development of democratic norms and a plot to introduce anarchy during internal party elections as currently obtainable in the APC.

PDP view is that “the direct primary provision is aimed at increasing the costs of nomination procedures thereby surrendering the processes to money bags against the wishes and aspiration of Nigerians”

“Our party makes bold to state that with the exception of the APC, which intends to deploy looted funds in future elections, hardly will there be any political party that will be able to raise the cost of conducting internal elections under a direct primary process”

“This is why the decision of the Senate has elicited widespread rejection from Nigerians across the board”

The opposition party asked the senate to “immediately deploy its appropriate legislative instruments” to reverse the direct primary mode of party elections, adding it does not reflect the wishes of the majority of Nigerians.”


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