Former president Goodluck Jonathan yet to decides to contest for the 2023 general election~details below



Due to pressures from different groups and the key pressures is coming from youths nation wide urging the former president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan to contest for the 2023 presidential election.

Banners of former president Goodluck Jonathan has been seen on several occasions since the beginning of May 01, 2022 urging the former president to contest on the incoming general election.

But the former president Goodluck Jonathan says he is yet to decide whether or not to accept the offer from different pressures groups urging him to contest the 2023 presidential election.

He made these statements on Friday in Abuja when his committee of friends and some youth from across the country visited him at his Foundation Office in Maitama, Abuja.

According to the former former Jonathan said “the visits, especially by the youth, showed that they were interested in the political affairs of the country.

Mean while, he had urged them to be interested and be key players in the country’s politics to enthrone good governance.

He stressed that “As youths, we must get involved in the country’s political process and luckily the law of `Not too Young to Run’ bill has made it clear that youths can contest almost every position in government.

“We will continue to encourage youths to get involved in the country’s political process.

“And as long as many youths get involved in the political process, we will be able to get the government we want,’’ he said.

The former president has acknowledged that with youths active participation in the political affaires of the nation would effectively strive and ameliorate the country’s current challenges as possible.

He further stressed that although some of the country’s present challenges went way back but could be addressed from a united front.

On whether he would declare for the 2023 presidential election, The former president said the political process was ongoing.

“Yes, you are calling me to come and declare for the 2023 presidency, yes I can’t tell you are declaring, that the political process is ongoing, just watch out.

“But the key role you must play is to pray that Nigeria gets a president that will carry the young people along and work very hard to see that some of the country’s problems raised are dealt with.

“I believe that collectively, we can work together,’’ he said.

Mayor Samuel, leader of Youth Compatriots of Nigeria, while speaking with journalists at the event, said the youth were prepared to support Mr Jonathan to ensure that he emerged as the country’s next president in 2023.

While speaking on the current insecurity in some parts of the country and the snail-walking economy, saying there was a need to address the situation.

According to him, the Nigeria Peoples Party is ready to give Mr Goodluck its presidential ticket to contest for  the 2023 presidential election.

He stressed that, the party although not registered yet, belonged to the downtrodden, adding that any party that gave its presidential ticket to Mr Jonathan would be supported by all Nigerians.

“The secret to good governance is what Nigeria requires at the moment, Jonathan had been tested and proven and we are ready to follow him,’’ he said.

While, News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the Coalition of Northern Youths and other youth and women groups from across the federation were parts of the visit.

A NAN reports that the youth were chanting ‘Goodluck you must run ‘ and they were also seen holding placards that read ‘ declare now, Goodluck, you must run ‘ you are wasting our time declare now’ among other descriptions.

Jonathan Akumobi, one of the youth leaders, said they came to compel Mr Jonathan to run because they believed in his capabilities, given his experience.

Mr Akumobi said that a lot of challenges being experienced in all sectors required an experienced hand like Mr Jonathan to tackle.

“We are tired of the killings, of the insecurity, our schools are closed because of the strike, the national grid has been collapsing, everything in Nigeria is challenged.

“The prices of food items have skyrocketed. But during Jonathan’s administration, we were buying a bag of rice for N7,000, today it is N35,000. We need Jonathan back to help us rephrase the system to his former reputation because we are tired of the excuses.’’


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