Afghanistan: Female TV presenters now go live broadcast in full Hijab cover stir reactions~details below


 A stoning reaction ensued following the full body covering leaving only the eyes of female TV presenters and reporters on Television channels in Afghanistan.

According to report, in line with Taliban government order the Television female reporters were pressured by their employees to  put on full face cover Hijab as they go live in on air Sunday.

“One of the female presenters refused to put on the full face cover Hijab but was pressured to accept the order” a source said.

Recall that the Talibans took over Government when they embarked on a supersonic expedition in 2021 where many civilians lost their lives and many others fled the country to asylum in mostly neighboring countries.

Since the hijacking of government by the Talibans several gravy laws were made and countless restrictions of rights of women were enshrined in their laws.


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