Indian parents sue son to court for childlessness in his 6 years marriage demanding $650,000 spent on him~details below


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 Mix reaction as promptitude Indian parents sued son for not yet able to produce grand children after being married for 6 years, and this got people talking.

Indian couple are suing their son to court demanding that him and his wife produce either $650,000 within a year or give them a grand child.

The angry couple, Mrs Sajeev and Mr Sadhana Prada lamented that they have exhausted their life savings while raising and sending their son to school to become a pilot and after all of that they lavished lot of money in his wedding, now demanding that they want pay back.

According to the couples “my son has been married for six years and they are still not planning to have a baby, at least if we have a grand child our pain will become bearable” the couple said in a petition filed in a court in Haridwar recently.

“The compensation they are demanding for includes the amount spent on a wedding Reception in a five-star hotel, a luxury car worth $80,000 and the payment for the couple’s honeymoon abroad. The Times of India reported Thursday May, 12.

“The parents also fault out $65,000 spent to train their son as a pilot in the United States only for him to come back unemployed, the news read.

“We also had to take a loan to build our house and now we are going through a lot of financial burden, mentally too we are quite disturbed because we are living alone, the parents said in the petition.

The couple’s lawyer Arvind Kumar said the petition will be taken up for hearing  by the court in Northern India pending on May 17.


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