Many Nigerians started condemning the gruesome murder of 200 level student in Sokoto state~details below


The unforgettable moment in Nigeria Thursday, May 12, following the killing and burning of the 200 level student Deborah Samuel who was gruesomely murdered by some high-intent students of the Shehu Shagari College of Education over allegations of blasphemy of the Prophet Mohammed. 

Many Nigerians are speaking up to condemned the callous act which has been described as barbaric, others have blamed the late young girl for making ‘ungodly’ remarks about the prophet in such an acclivous  environment.

Mean while, the Sultan of Sokoto, Sa’ad Abubakar III has condemned the gruesome attack.

In a statement released by the Sultanate Council Sokoto, Sa’idu Maccido, the secretary to the council said the Palace has learnt with dismay the unfortunate incident which took place at the institution. 

Maccido stressed, that the Sultanate Council condemn the incident in its totality and urged the security agencies to bring perpetrators of the unjustifiable incident to justice. 

Statement added that the Sultanate Council urges residents in Sokoto to remain calm and ensure peaceful co-existence among the people of the state and the nation. 

A recent reaction is from the leadership of the Nigeria police in Sokoto alleging that two suspects of the criminal act have been arrested. The police in the state also said that students of the institution overpowered the security operatives in the room where she was kept for safety before killing and burning her. 


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