According to a report, Lagos ranks fifth best in Africa.


Lagos has arisen as the fifth best African city with high allure by individuals to live, work, and contribute, as indicated by a report by Brand Money City File 2023.

The report puts Lagos (Nigeria) at 56.7 percent behind Cape Town (South Africa), Cairo (Egypt), Johannesburg (South Africa), and Casablanca (Morocco) which are positioned the initial four best African urban communities with 62.9, 60.7, 59.7, and 59.3 percents individually.

Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, likewise makes the rundown of best African urban areas as the 6th African city with 55.1 percent, coming simply behind Lagos.

On worldwide rankings, Cape Town, Cairo, Johannesburg, Casablanca, Lagos and Nairobi are the main six African nations that show up on the 100 world’s best urban communities as numbers 60, 67, 72, 76, 90, and 94 individually.

London (Britain) is the world’s best city brand in the positioning scoring, 84.6 percent, while New York (the US) and Paris (France) come as second and third, collecting 83.0 and 79.7 percents separately.

“The positioning depends on a worldwide study of near 15,000 individuals from the public led in April 2023 of every 20 nations on all landmasses to quantify view of the world’s best 100 urban communities,” the report says.

Remarking on the report, the Director and CEO of Brand Money, David Haigh, said, “London’s excellent execution in the File can be ascribed to its worldwide commonality.

Starting things out on this specific measure, London enjoys a tremendous upper hand over its friends, prompting its progress in the positioning in general as the world’s best city.

“Realizing a city permits the general population to shape positive insights about it – to perceive its standing and to consider it as the favored spot to live, work, study, resign, visit, or contribute.

“High commonality implies a more profound comprehension of its characteristics and a more extensive reach of its allure, permitting the city to draw critical monetary advantages from inbound movement, venture, and the travel industry.”

Nonetheless, Zurich (Switzerland), which positions seventeenth on the worldwide table with 72.0 percent, is passed judgment on the best city on the planet for speculation close by different variables to live and work.

“Zurich is a profoundly positive objective to work locally, work from a distance, contribute, and resign, guaranteeing the best position for each aspect.

“The city scores extraordinarily well on standing (fourth) and thought (first) while thinking about each of the seven aspects joined as well, yet a low score on commonality (53rd) keeps it from taking a higher spot in the general Brand Money City Record positioning (seventeenth),” the report says.


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