A carnivorous man arrested in Bauchi state


A carnivorous man arrested in Bauchi state

 A man from Bauchi State has been arrested for murder and carnivorously devouring his apprentices. The man traveled to his village GawamaBauchi State to seek for the apprenticeship of two boys to live with him and to trained them in his business.

While they were living with him and working with him as the case may be, it was all that he killed them and make meat of their flesh and ate them.

A carnivorous man arrested in Bauchi state

Mean while, he traveled back again to their parents and lied that the boys had ran out of his house and out away with his money.

He however, requested that another child should be given to him and his request was approved. While this boy was living with him he tried to kill him which the third one when he was caught. Report said.


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