EFCC Chairman Advocates for Enhanced Capital Budget Amidst Unmet Targets


The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) declared on Tuesday, December 5, that it was unable to access its N2.5 billion capital budget for 2023.

Additionally, the commission expressed dissatisfaction with the allocation of N1.2 billion by the Budget Office of the Federation for the fiscal year 2024, which falls significantly short of the N25 billion capital budget they had proposed.

Ola Olukoyede, chairman of the commission, defended the 2024 budget forecast by stating that the only capital projects finished in 2023 were carryovers from 2022.

According to him, the unemployment rate affected several of the Commission’s initiatives due to the capital budget release for 2023.

The head of the EFCC stated that housing will be purchased for the fourteen zonal offices throughout the country while requesting that members increase the Commission’s capital budget for 2024.



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