Dust Haze Anticipated: NiMet Forecasts Reduced Visibility Nationwide


The Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) has issued a warning, predicting the likelihood of dust haze affecting visibility across the nation on Friday. In its weather outlook released in Abuja, NiMet attributes this condition to a high concentration of dust in the atmosphere. The forecast indicates that horizontal visibilities will vary between 2km and 5km in most areas, with some locations in the northern regions potentially experiencing even poorer visibility, dropping to distances as low as 1,000m or less.

The agency emphasizes the need for caution, especially in regions with compromised visibility, and strongly advises the public to use face masks as a protective measure due to the unhealthy air quality. NiMet encourages individuals to stay informed about weather conditions and take necessary precautions to minimize potential health risks associated with the prevailing dust haze.



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  • Kikelomo olanrewaju, December 29, 2023 @ 11:24 am Reply


  • Issa Lateefat, December 29, 2023 @ 12:20 pm Reply


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