Paulo Okoye Celebrates Iyabo Ojo’s Birthday Amid Online Bullying


Talent manager Paulo Okoye took to Instagram to express his love for actress Iyabo Ojo on her 46th birthday, despite the recent online bullying she has faced.

Paulo Okoye referred to Iyabo Ojo as his “Teddy bear” and praised her for having a beautiful soul.

In the heartfelt birthday post, Paulo Okoye wished Iyabo Ojo a happy birthday, addressing her as “Ezenwanyi” (Queen Mother) and expressing admiration for her as a beautiful soul.

Recall, Iyabo Ojo went public with her relationship with Paul Okoye on her 45th birthday in December 2022, sharing a video collage of their moments together.

Since then, the couple has been vocal about their relationship, even addressing aspects of their personal life in interviews.

Despite recent online scrutiny and bullying, Paulo Okoye has consistently defended and celebrated his relationship with Iyabo Ojo

. The couple has emphasized that their relationship is for enjoyment, and they are not focused on having more children as they both have two kids from previous relationships.




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  • Grace Michael, December 21, 2023 @ 10:19 am Reply

    Happy birthday to her

  • Issa Lateefat, December 21, 2023 @ 10:36 am Reply

    Happy birthday to her

  • Najib junior, December 21, 2023 @ 10:46 am Reply

    Happy birthday

  • Kikelomo olanrewaju, December 21, 2023 @ 12:55 pm Reply

    Happy birthday queen mother

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