Nigerian Communications Commission Considers Partial Disconnect of Globacom from MTN Network


In light of unpaid interconnect fees, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has sent out notices that might result in Globacom users being cut off from using MTN lines for phone calls. On January 8, the notification was signed by Reuben Muoka, the director of the Department of Public Relations.

After looking into the details of the unpaid charges, the NCC disclosed that it had partially approved Globacom’s separation from MTN. Even after informing Globacom and giving them a chance to argue their case, the NCC determined insufficient evidence to support the nonpayment.

Globacom customers may not be able to call MTN numbers after ten days after the notice’s issuing, but they may still be able to accept incoming calls. The purpose of this partial disconnect was to allow calls to enter the Globacom network.


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