Ondo state PDP Chairman Suspended


The Ondo State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has taken a significant step by suspending its Chairman, Fatai Adams, due to alleged anti-party activities and the purported infiltration of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) into the opposition party.

The State Working Committee (SWC) of the PDP, including key members such as the State Deputy Chairman, Secretary, and Publicity Secretary, approved and signed the suspension letter. The committee emphasized that Adams’ actions have the potential to tarnish the reputation of the PDP in Ondo State.

In accordance with the party’s constitution, the decision to suspend Adams was made, and he has been given a one-week deadline to appear before the disciplinary committee to defend himself against the allegations.

The suspension is in line with Section 58(1b. c, f. h. and i) of the PDP Constitution as amended in 2017, which allows for the suspension of party members engaged in anti-party activities or activities likely to bring the party into disrepute.


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  • Kikelomo olanrewaju, January 3, 2024 @ 7:09 am Reply


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