Pere admits to having a crush on Toke Makinwa


Pere Egbi, a former participant on the reality show Big Brother Naija and an actor, confessed to having a crush on actresses Toke Makinwa and Genevieve Nnaji during a recent episode of Celebrity Quickies on AY’s YouTube channel.

When asked about celebrities he admires,

“Celebrity I would like to shag? It would be Toke Makinwa. There are two of them. The other one if I call her name, everywhere fit shake. But I fit to call her name sha: Genevieve Nnaji,” he said

He also shared that he has cut down on his alcohol consumption for health reasons.

Furthermore, Pere expressed his preference for the United States and Dubai over Nigeria, citing reasons such as more freedom in those countries.

“My three favourite countries? Number one; America, two; Dubai, and number three; Nigeria.

“I’m not being patriotic here, it’s just my favourite countries. For this country [Nigeria] rules no dey, you can do as you want,” Pere added.


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