The Nigerian Air Force has granted the Accident Insurance policy for its personnel


The Chief of Air Staff,Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar has given an order that all Nigerian Air Force personnel to to start using a group personal accident insurance policy.

The Nigerian Air Force’s Director of Public Relations and Information, Air Vice Marshal Edward Gabkwet stated that
the Ministry of Defence’s Group Life Assurance Polics only provide coverage for the families of personnel killed in action and does not provide for the medical costs from the accidents.

Inorder to maintain a well motivated force through welfare and infrastructure renewal, Gabkwet made it clear that the new policy is consistent with the Air Chief’s command philosophy.

The statement state that, “While several insurance policies administered by the Ministry of Defence and the NAF Investment Limited cover all NAF personnel, they do not, however, adequately address some hazards and challenges encountered in the course of the careers of personnel.

“The need to review and implement a specialised insurance scheme designed to address these hazards and unique challenges thus became imperative.”

He said Abubakar mentioned that under the GPAIP, personnel of the NAF would be motivated to give their best with the assurance of proper care in the event of disability or death during military operations or any form of accident.

Gabkwet said that the insurance company would provide adequate compensation for any injuries, death, disability, and payment of medical expenses

The statement added, “The execution of military operations exposes personnel to diverse levels of hazards with life-altering consequences of fatalities, hence, the need to continuously review existing policies to cater for personnel wellbeing.

“The contract with KBC Insurance Brokers Limited aims to provide compensation for bodily injuries, death, disablement, and payment of medical expenses solely and directly caused by accidentals, external, violent, and visible means to any of the insured personnel.

“Furthermore, the scheme will provide compensation to the families of personnel who accidentally lost their lives during operations as well as salary reimbursement of the injured personnel to the NAF in the event of hospitalisation.”

Gabkwet made it clear that the families of personnel killed in action would benefit the most from the new policy, and said that all medical bills will be covered.

He stated that:

“The GPAIP is all-encompassing, benefiting personnel, and families in the event of death as well as covering medical bills, compensation for temporal or permanent disability and death, among others,”


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  • Issa Lateefat, January 3, 2024 @ 7:08 pm Reply


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