Yul Edochie drag his first wife online for doing breast enhancement surgery without his concent


Yul Edochie, a popular Nigerian Actor has criticize his first wife because she dont ask for an approval from him before doing breast enhancement surgery.

In a recent video he posted online h said that he was out of town when she was having the surgery, when he found out about this he became very curious about and asked who signed the consent form for the surgery.

People would have blamed him of ”killing that young woman” if something had happened to her.

Sarah Martins said:
“Judy Is Jealous of May, She Begged Me To Sign Her As A Brand Ambassador To Get Back At May”-

Sarah Martins, a former friend of Judy Austin, revealed that Judy begged her to sign her as a brand ambassador for pepper May Edochie.

Judy Austin claims that She approached her to sign her as a brand ambassador since she couldn’t get any brands to sign her due of the terrible stories about her online.

As a result of this she requested her to sign her as her brand ambassador for her skin products in order to pepper her rivals, May Edochie.

Sarah Martins revealed that her family told her to stay away from the Edochie’s family marital problems in an interview she had with daddy Freeze, which led her to make peace with may Edochie by apologizing to her publicly

She disclose that after she tried to make peace with May by publicly apologizing, Judy got angry and told her she will not pay her the money she owes her.

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  • Issa Lateefat, January 2, 2024 @ 11:20 pm Reply


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