Bandits Claim Lives of Katsina Security Watch Corps Members


Four individuals have tragically lost their lives in separate attacks in Katsina State, Nigeria.

The first incident occurred at the residence of Mallam Suleiman Mai Rake in Unguwar Yayyara, Yantumaki village, Danmusa Local Government Area. Mai Rake, father of Isa Bawa Yantumaki, a member of the Katsina Community Watch Corps, was killed during the attack, and the assailants also stole two of his cows.

In another attack, suspected bandits from Madachi forest targeted Ungwar Damari in Sabuwa LGA. Riding seven motorcycles, they killed Shehu Armaya’u, a member of the Katsina Security Watch Corps, along with two others.

Armaya’u, who had recently obtained permission to visit his family, tragically lost his life during the assault.


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