Laura Ikeji Questions President Tinubu: How Can The Citizens help in Running Your Administration?


Nigerian entrepreneur and actress, Laura Ikeji questions President Tinubu , asking him how the citizens can help in running his administration.

With the current happening in the country, ranging from kidnapping cases, depreciation of naira, increase in the cost of goods, Laura Ikeji took to her instagram page  to question the President if there is any way the citizens can help him in running his administration.

In her words: “Dear Pres Tinubu and his Government. Pls how can we the citizens help. Looks like u guys are stuck. Let’s help. How can we pls. How can we help us.”

See her post here:

 Laura Ikeji questions President Tinubu on How The Citizens Can Help in Running His Administration Laura Ikeji questions President Tinubu on How The Citizens Can Help in Running His Administration



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