Mohbad’s Family Refutes The Claim of Issuing Death Threats to His Wife


The family of the late Nigerian singer, Mohbad refutes the claim of issuing threats to his wife.

On Tuesday, it was reported that Wumi Aloba, the wife of the late singer Mohbad, raised an alarm that her late husband’s family sent a death threat to her. 

In reaction to this, the law firm representing Mohbad’s family, Hillcrest Partners discloses that there was no iota of truth in the allegation and asked Wumi to reveal the telephone numbers or identify those threatening her life.


The statement signed by Monisola Odumosu on behalf of the law firm reads thus: 

Our attention has been drawn to a news item circulating in social media which alleged that the Aloba Family, and some bloggers: Bukky Jesse, Yeye Kudi Courtroom and Adeshina Kasbir Hayat (from now on called our Clients), are after the life of the widow of late Ilerioluwa promise Aloba also known as Mohbad).

“Due to the sensitive nature of the allegation and the ongoing investigation to unravel the unusual death of the late Mohbad, we deem it necessary to respond to Mrs. Wunmi Aloba’s allegations.

“In the said publication, Mrs. Wunmi Aloba has raised some salient issues. First. She stated, ‘her husband’s family have vowed to kill her and her son’. Mrs. Wunmi Aloba has failed to list specific names of those who threatened her and show to the public the evidence of the threats issued to her by the Aloba Family.

“As the legal maxim connotes ‘incumbit probatio qui dicit non qui negat’ (he who asserts must prove). If seeking the truth about who killed their late son, Ilerioluwa Aloba is a threat to her, she should let the Nigerian public know.

“Our clients have not and are not in any position to threaten the wife of their late son notwithstanding the unsettled issues on the paternity of their grandchild. It will be recalled that even when Wunmi sent a scathing voice message laced with imprecations to Mr. Joseph Aloba, Mohbad’s father, Mr. Aloba took it that the emotional trauma from the death of his son, the late singer was enough, and he didn’t bother to respond to it.

“Secondly, Mrs. Wunmi Aloba alleged that she had been receiving strange calls from different people threatening to deal with her if she continued to seek justice for the soul of her late husband.

“Fortunately, she didn’t say in the report that the different persons calling her did so with unknown numbers. Since she has reported to the Nigeria Police, she should let the police carry out their work Investigations to uncover the ‘different people’ who have been calling her. The Nigerian Police know the right measures to take on threats made to a complainant by phone.

“Thirdly, Mrs Wunmi Aloba lamented that it was five months since the Coroner’s Court had sat last and she had not heard from the court. The said concerns bother our clients equally, if she needs clarity, she should consult with her counsel with respect to this.”



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