Chioma Nwadike Shares Her First Encounter With The New CEO of Zenith Bank


Chioma Nwadike shares her first encounter with the new Zenith Bank CEO, Dr Adaora via her Facebook page.

She wrote thus: “I first met her physically during my recruitment process in the Bank. A few others and I were selected to meet with her as a concluding/validation part of our hiring. I didn’t expect that cos some of the friends I made during the process had concluded their process and awaiting offers, why was I selected to meet with her? I grumbled.

Dr. Adaora is truly a goddess in person, I was enchanted once I walked into her office. With a charming smile, she asked my name and where I’m from, told her. She asked why I wanted to work with her organization. I stuttered a bit, and instead of saying the bank’s name I mentioned Access Bank Upon realizing I corrected myself immediately, she kept her charming smile. Said I can go after some minutes, I thanked her and left. The second time through my work experience I was to see her was when she called my branch manager and specifically requested to see me.

I wasn’t in the office, my manager called me visibly worried about what the outcome would be. With the staff strength in the FCT, It was uncommon that the 3rd most powerful person in the bank will request to see a branch staff. I almost peed in my pants. Dr Adaora is one that advocates for the women in her organization in any form, she’s proof that women can be anything they wanna be if they set their minds to it, a trail blazer and a mentor to many. Congratulations to the 1st Female GMD of Zenith Bank. The future is female Chioma Nwadike.”

Her post:

Chioma Nwadike Shares Her First Encounter With The New CEO of Zenith Bank

Chioma Nwadike Shares Her First Encounter With The New CEO of Zenith Bank



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