Elon Musk, Sylvester Stallone, Rupert Murdoch, and others receive the RBG Award.


Elon Musk, Sylvester Stallone, Rupert Murdoch, and others receive the RBG Award.

The Ruth Bader Ginsburg Leadership Award, which was originally meant to recognise women of distinction, has been broadened to include both men and women who have made substantial contributions to their respective professions.

This year’s winners include Rupert Murdoch, Elon Musk, Martha Stewart, Sylvester Stallone, and Michael Milken. The award ceremony will be held in the Library of Congress, with winners picked from a wide pool of nominees.

Despite some controversy surrounding the nomination of conservative leaders for an award named after a liberal hero such as Ginsburg, the organisers emphasise the importance of honouring individuals who have made a difference.

The honorees express their appreciation for the honour and reflect on Ginsburg’s legacy of civil liberties and justice.


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