Internet Disruption Plagues Nigeria: Service Outages Expected for Weeks


Internet users in Nigeria are facing prolonged disruptions since Thursday, and the end is not in sight.

MainOne, one of the affected undersea cable companies, stated that the issue might persist for two to three more weeks due to a cut in the submarine cable system caused by an external incident. Repairing the fault and acquiring necessary parts could take additional time.

Meanwhile, telecommunications company Globacom’s unaffected cable, Glo 1, continues to provide normal service. However, other networks relying on the damaged cables experienced massive outages.

The damage, near Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire, affected major undersea cables like WACS, ACE, MainOne, and SAT3, causing internet downtime across West and South African countries. Glo 1’s resilience has been praised amidst the disruptions.


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