Nigerian telecom subscribers seek deadline extension for SIM-NIN linkage due to technical challenges



Nigerian telecom subscribers seek deadline extension for SIM-NIN linkage due to technical challenges.

The National Association of Telecommunications Subscribers (NATCOMS) in Nigeria has asked the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to extend the deadline for connecting telephone lines to National Identification Numbers (NIN) due to subscriber issues.

NATCOMS noted difficulties in obtaining sufficient information for verification and uploading data to the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) system.

Despite the NCC’s insistence on meeting the deadline, NATCOMS cites challenges with incomplete telecom agent registrations and technical difficulties with NIMC infrastructure.

However, NIMC claims that its services are fully working, and encourages subscribers to link their NINs to SIM cards.

The NCC and the NIMC recently formed a cooperation to simplify the NIN-SIM connection procedure, emphasising the necessity of


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