Sokoto School Attack: Bandits Abduct Students in Early Morning Raid


Bandits grabbed some students from a school in Sokoto state. It happened around 1:00 am on Saturday, March 9.

The school owner, Liman Abubakar, said they’re missing 15 students, but they’re still counting.

He explained that the bandits arrived around 1:00 am, shot someone, and took a woman. They saw students running into their rooms, so they grabbed many of them.

Abubakar said this wasn’t the first attack on the village.

Kabiru Dauda, a state House of Assembly member, confirmed the attack. He got a call about it around 2:00 am and told the local government and security agencies.

Habibu Modachi, another Assembly member, thought it was revenge after security forces hit bandits’ hideouts.

The state police haven’t said anything yet.


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