Woman Urges Ban on ‘Liquid BBLs’ After Procedure Gone Wrong Leads to Buttock Complications( Photos )


Monique went for a procedure in September 2022 to enhance her buttocks shape. Instead of a clinic, she was directed to a hotel for the procedure, which she found odd.

Woman Urges Ban on 'Liquid BBLs' After Procedure Gone Wrong Leads to Buttock Complications( Photos )

Afterward, she felt extremely sick, with a high fever and vomiting. Her buttocks became swollen, red, and painful. She ended up in the hospital with sepsis, a serious infection.

Woman Urges Ban on 'Liquid BBLs' After Procedure Gone Wrong Leads to Buttock Complications( Photos )

The filler injected into her buttocks was not the usual type and caused severe complications, including blackened skin and oozing filler.

Woman Urges Ban on 'Liquid BBLs' After Procedure Gone Wrong Leads to Buttock Complications( Photos )

She underwent a painful procedure to remove some filler but was left with permanent scarring. Monique wants tighter regulations or even a ban on such risky procedures to prevent others from going through similar ordeals.

Woman Urges Ban on 'Liquid BBLs' After Procedure Gone Wrong Leads to Buttock Complications( Photos )


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