Indomie Noodles Provides Aid to Needy Communities in Lagos


Dufil Prima Foods, makers of Indomie Instant Noodles, has extended its support to vulnerable communities in Lagos.

Indomie Noodles Provides Aid to Needy Communities in Lagos

They provided free meals to schoolchildren and donated cartons of noodles to those in need in Ajegunle and Oworonshoki areas.

Indomie Noodles Provides Aid to Needy Communities in Lagos

The initiative, done in partnership with NGOs, aims to feed two million Nigerians across the country.

Indomie Noodles Provides Aid to Needy Communities in Lagos

The company’s corporate communications manager emphasized their commitment to helping communities in need. The founder of one NGO expressed gratitude for the support amidst rising food prices.

Indomie Noodles Provides Aid to Needy Communities in Lagos

The partnership was praised by another NGO for its positive impact. Recipients, including a senior citizen, expressed gratitude for the assistance provided.

Indomie Noodles Provides Aid to Needy Communities in Lagos

This initiative is part of Dufil Prima Foods’ broader corporate social responsibility efforts, which also include medical supplies, educational support, and scholarships for students.


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