Jerusalem: Israeli police and Palestinians clashed at al-Aqsa mosque, with over 300 protesters injured~details below


 Over 300 or more people suffered a severe injury following the clashes between Israeli police and Palestinian protesters outside the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Monday. 

As Israel marked the anniversary of its capture of parts of the city in a 1967 war. 

According to report, police fired tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets at hundreds of Palestinians who hurled rocks at them at a holy compound that is sacred to Muslims and Jews. 

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said at least 305 Palestinians were injured and 228 of them were taken to hospital, with several in critical condition.

Police confirmed 21 officers were injured from the clash. Al-Aqsa, which is Islam’s third-holiest site, has been a focal point of violence in Jerusalem throughout the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Tensions have been particularly high because of the planned evictions of several Palestinian families from a neighbourhood in East Jerusalem.

The clashes have attracted international concern about wider conflict. The White House had called on Israel to ensure calm during “Jerusalem Day”, its annual celebration of the capture of East Jerusalem and the walled Old City that is home to Muslim, Jewish and Christian holy sites.

In an effort to ease the situation, Israeli police banned Jewish groups from paying Jerusalem Day visits to the holy plaza that houses al-Aqsa, and which Jews pay homage as the site of biblical Jewish temples. 

The police also changed the route of a traditional Jerusalem Day march, in which thousands of Israeli flag-waving Jewish youth walk through the Old City, so it bypasses the Damascus Gate outside the Muslim quarter, which has been a flashpoint in recent weeks. 

According to report the violence at the holy compound lasted several hours and later Israeli police pulled back and began allowing Palestinians over the age of 40, deemed less likely to take part in confrontations, to enter. 

In public remarks, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was determined to uphold law and order in Jerusalem while preserving “freedom of worship and tolerance for all”. 

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, a spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, accused “Israeli occupation forces” of conducting a “brutal raid” at al-Aqsa. 

Israel views all of Jerusalem as its capital, including the eastern part that it annexed in a move that has not won international recognition.

Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be the capital of a state they seek in the occupied West Bank and Gaza. With tensions also stoked by the planned evictions from the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in East Jerusalem, Israel’s attorney-general secured a deferment on Sunday of a Supreme Court hearing on Monday in the long-running case. 

A lower court had found in favour of Jewish settlers’ claim to the land on which the Palestinians’ homes are located, a decision seen by Palestinians as an attempt by Israel to drive them out of contested Jerusalem.


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