Algerian Footballer Faces Trial in France Over Controversial Gaza Post


Algerian footballer Youcef Atal, who plays for Ligue 1 side Nice, is set to go on trial in France for alleged incitement of hatred. The charges stem from a video he posted on Instagram in October 2023, shortly after the attack by Hamas militants on Israel. The video features a Palestinian preacher, Mahmoud Al Hasanat, discussing the situation in Gaza.

In the video, Al Hasanat reportedly talked about the challenges faced by children in Gaza, but prosecutors identified another extract where he called for a “black day” for the Jews and encouraged violence. Atal, 27, swiftly deleted the post and issued an apology. His club suspended him, and the football league banned him for seven matches.

The charges against Atal shifted from suspected “justification of terrorism” to “incitement to religious hatred.” Two associations, the International League against Racism and anti-Semitism (Licra) and the Jewish Observatory of France, have brought civil actions against the player.

If found guilty, Atal could face up to one year in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros ($49,000). The trial is expected to address the controversial social media post and its implications on religious sentiments and community relations.



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  • Najib junior, December 19, 2023 @ 7:17 am Reply


  • Issa Lateefat, December 19, 2023 @ 7:19 am Reply


  • Splandy ahmady, December 19, 2023 @ 8:05 am Reply

    Hmm wahala

  • Kikelomo olanrewaju, December 19, 2023 @ 11:10 am Reply


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