Pounds Blessings: Portable Plans New House Thanks to Skepta


Habeeb Okikiola, popularly known as Portable, is basking in gratitude after receiving a generous gift from his friend Skepta in pounds. The Nigerian singer, who accompanied Skepta to the British Fashion Awards 2023 at the Royal Albert Hall, shared his joy on social media.

Portable took to his Instagram to post a video showcasing Skepta giving him a stack of cash in pounds. The British rapper didn’t stop at the cash gift; he also took Portable on a shopping spree.

In the video, Portable expressed his excitement, announcing his plans to use the money to purchase a new house. With enthusiasm, he tucked the money away, emphasizing the importance of protecting it from potential theft.

“Today is Monday, you give me Pounds, I will go and buy a house. Let me package it, no ripping.”

In his caption, Portable conveyed his deep appreciation to Skepta, considering the generous gesture a lasting blessing in his life. He expressed gratitude for the continuous favor bestowed upon him.

“@skepta don bless my life. I’m blessed forever. Big God do it again.”


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