Simple Facts About the UK’s Latest Visa Rules


The UK government has introduced a comprehensive five-point plan aimed at addressing immigration concerns, sparking varied reactions. The plan includes measures such as restricting care workers from relocating with their families and increasing the minimum salary requirement for skilled worker visas.

James Cleverly, the recently appointed Home Secretary, faces increasing pressure to demonstrate a strong stance on immigration. “Enough is enough,” he told MPs, emphasizing the need for fair, legal, and sustainable immigration policies.

The Supreme Court’s recent rejection of the Rwanda deportation scheme has heightened tensions within the Conservative party. The proposed plan seeks to tackle these challenges with a more robust approach than previous governments.

Here’s a breakdown of the UK’s five-point plan:

1. Health and Care Visas:
The plan aims to curb the “abuse of the health and care visa” by prohibiting overseas care workers from bringing their dependents. Dependents, as defined by the government, include spouses, civil partners, single partners, and children under the age of eighteen.

2. Skilled Worker Visa Minimum Salary Change:
The minimum salary requirement for obtaining a skilled worker visa, currently set at £26,000, undergoes a significant increase to £38,700 – a 50% rise.

3. Shortage Occupation List:
The plan revises the Shortage Occupation list, eliminating the 20% minimum wage reduction for jobs considered hard to fill. The list, which includes roles like graphic designers, construction workers, vets, programmers, and laboratory technicians, will be trimmed and reviewed.

4. Family Visas:
To ensure financial support for dependents, the minimum requirement for a family visa increases to £38,700 from the previous £18,600 (2012 rate).

5. Student Visas:
The package, coupled with a reduction in student dependents, aims to result in around 300,000 fewer arrivals in future years than the previous year. The Migration Advisory Committee is set to review the graduate route, with changes to student visas expected.

In essence, the UK’s new visa rules signify a significant shift in immigration policies, addressing various aspects to create a more controlled and sustainable system.


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