Russian army fired rockets near the ohmatdit children hospital in Ukraine~details below


 A valid report said the Russians has fired a number of rockets that was exploded very close to Ukraine largest children hospital Ohmatdit but no casualties was recounted.

It was held that the blast occurred at the early hour of the morning 6 a.m banged the building with a loud noise.


Meanwhile, the whole hospital for children was shuddered with fear from the heavy blast very close from the hospital, one of the building near the hospital was hit by the rocket.

According to source the blast waves destroyed  the building windows as the floor shakes heavily leaving cracks on the walls.

Several debris of the blast rockets were found on the balcony of the Neonatal surgery department of the children hospital Ohmatdit.

However, the doctors had said that the beds in the room were badly damaged from the effects of the explosion, a Neurologist office ceiling was severely wrecked and shabby.


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